Car dealer
Sales skills
In many cases, the role of a salesperson is considered very important to the success of the company as a whole. That is why many companies put their salespeople on a pedestal and let them do their job as they please, so long as they continue to achieve the expected results. The way cars are sold has changed significantly over the last few years. Customers’ requirements have been constantly increasing and along with that their expectations of a quality buying experience.
For a long time now, product knowledge alone has not been a sufficient prerequisite for a successful salesperson. The customer often requires the salesperson or consultant to be a “catalyst”, who would transform the product or solution by giving added value.
The salesperson is often part of a team, in which mutual relationships, communication skills and knowledge of the business environment are important factors on the path to success. We know from our experience that personal attitude, enthusiasm and flexibility are the most important characteristics of every successful car salesperson.
Within our training, we focus on changing personal attitudes and implementing appropriate sales techniques and methods to prepare goal-oriented, organized, intelligent and aggressive sales and business people. The result is a shorter, and at the same time cheaper, sales process, a higher quality of contact information and a quicker path to the goal.
Some areas of training:
Selling skills
- consultative selling skills
- communication skills in the sales process
- fleet sales
- lead generation
- team sales
Personal efficiency
- communication
- negotiation skills
- positive thinking
- presentation